Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Computer: Lecture no 2

Lecture no 2

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó  <!--[endif]-->Types Of Computer

These are the types of Computer.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Super Computer
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Main Frame  Computer
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Mini Computer
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Micro Computer
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Lap Top  Computer

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  <!--[endif]-->Super Computer

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Very large in a size.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Very Expensive
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Normally not available in a private sectors.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Used for Atomic Research and weather forecasting.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Cray1 was the first super computer.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  <!--[endif]-->Mainframe Computer
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Smaller then Super Computer
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Store huge amount of Data.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Used in Nadra offices ,PIA and Banks,

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  Mini Computer

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Smaller then Super and Mainframe Computers.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Used in Universities and embassies

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  Micro Computer

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Less expensive
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Used in School, College and small Offices.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->vLap Top Computer

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Small in a size
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Working speed is better
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Normally used by the Business man and Travelling people.

           History of Computer

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó  Abacus

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->13th Century
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->First made and used by China.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Used for Addition and Subtraction.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Chinese Abacus name was Saunpan.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó  Analytical Engine

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->17th  Century  
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->Made by Charles Babbage
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->He is known as the Father of Modern Computer.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o  <!--[endif]-->He was a man who gave the idea of First General purpose computer.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó Lady Ada Augusta

<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->She was the Assistant of Charles Babbage in his work.    
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]-->First lady Programmer of the world.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->o   <!--[endif]--> A Great Mathamatian.

Computer: Lecture no 1


<!--[if !supportLists]-->v COMPUTER DEFINATION

Computer is an Electronic Device which accept Data  from the User with the help of an Input devices then Store it, Process it ,  Share it and Retrieves its result onto an Output devices.




<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->Block Diagram Of  Computer









<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.   <!--[endif]-->RAM  stands for Ran dam Access Memory.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.   <!--[endif]-->CPU    stands   for Central Processing Unit

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->Input Devices
         These   Devices are used to enter the Data in the Computer.
         Exp:  Mouse, Keyboard, Joy Stick, Touch Screen,  Mic, Scanner, Track ball ,
         Light pen etc,

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->Output  Devices

These devices are used to received the Data from the Computer.
Exp: Monitor, Printer , Plotter , Projector, Speaker etc.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->Types  Of   Computer

There   are Two Main types of Computer.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Dedicated Computer

They are design for   Special purpose.
They can perform only one job at a time.
Exp: Missile Control Machine etc

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Non Dedicated Computer

They are design for General purpose.
They can perform multiples jobs at a time.
Exp: PC (Personal Computer)

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Basic  Types  Of  Computer
               There are Three  basic types of  Computer.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó <!--[endif]-->Digital Computer
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó  <!--[endif]-->Analog Computer
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ó Hybrid Computer

<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->Digital Computer

They can  perform mathematical calculation.
They can accept data in the form of digits .
Exp: +, - , *, /

<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø <!--[endif]-->Analog Computer

They can Measure the physical Quantities.
Exp: Temperature, pressure etc.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø Hybrid Computer

Word  hybrid means Mixture or combination.
This type of computer is the combination of Digital and Analog Computer.
Exp: Petrol Pump, ECG